RUBIX is a very vibrant and exciting work. Always moving forward with tons of energy this is one of the most popular pieces in the Marimba catalog and well worth learning. Lots of scope for expression, movement and very entertaining for audiences. Great to learn and fun to perform.
KEY: A modal
TIME: 4/4
RHYTHM: basic, dotted quaver and semiquavers used in bass
TECHNICAL: This piece was designed to be played on multiple marimbas [3 standard marimbas and 2 bass] however it still works with a smaller number of instruments by placing parts on the same marimba at different octaves. If no bass is available, play on a standard marimba at the lower end - if notes are out of range transpose up or down the octave.
Precision is the key to an effective performance of RUBIX. Players need to maintain a strong sense of tempo and if necessary have the 1st and 3rd beat of each bar played on a small drum.
Marimba 1 has the main themes for most of this work so is best suited for the most confident players who have good control over mallets.
Marimba 2 plays a rhythmic motif that holds the work together and must be in time.
Marimba 3 has a challenging part particularly in bars 50-56. Players need to play accurately across an octave at a quick pace.
The Bass part drives this work and has a simple rhythm. An optional bass part is also included but can be left out if there are not enough bass instruments or alternatively it can be performed at the lower end of a regular marimba.
Full Conductors Score and Parts for Marimba 1, 2 and Bass in traditional notation